Yes you read right, today it's all about you! Let's face it we have so many things to do in the time we have and yet with all of the gadgetry we have to organise our time, we find ourselves getting involved in stuff that we never planned for.

Last week I mentioned I'm going on holiday and as you know getting prepped to take off for a few weeks is a challenge in itself. And that's my inspiration,  to write to this week, sharing what works for me to keep me focused on the 'main thing' when there seems like there are multiple main things, if you know what I mean.


Let's investigate how to make yourself the priority amidst others agenda's.

'Investigating' - sounds a little super sleuth like - I love it !!!

First up get clear and set the boundaries.

  1. What is right for me? 
  2. Do I prioritise myself?
  3. How can I improve this?
  4. How do I rethink my routine when I get stuck or hit a roadblock?
Your life will be defined as much by the things you say no to, as the things to which you say yes.
— anonymous

The goal is to come out of this simple exercise feeling energised, centred and excited. And then excited to see others entering your space, knowing you can hold your own to achieve the priorities you've set for yourself.

What if you were to start each day with the 'hour of power' .

How do spend the first 60 minutes of your day?

  1. Kick off the day with getting moving ~ keep it simple, do something physical.
  2. Dedicate time to plan ~ write down your thoughts and build on this day to day.
  3. Energise ~ good energy paves the way forward for an intentional life.

First being, now let's get into the doing.

  1. The Big Rocks ~ Set the projects you're wanting to give life to that will move you forward.
  2. The Gravel ~ Appreciate the things you know add value to the results, these are priorities.
  3. The Sand ~ The people play a large part in what we're doing. Get clear on who you're waiting on and who is waiting for you, then take action.

Next time you feel yourself being sucked into the chasm of an activity you know is not adding value, recognise it, deal with it and move on. Social media is one that springs to mind when we have a specific purpose to get it handled and before you know it, we're sucked into the void emerging some 15 minutes later... what the hell!

Be the Observer

My experience has given me an awareness through being the observer to gain a sharper focus, to appreciate what constitutes 'a day in the life of ' and why we're either experiencing that feeling on of being on purpose instead of being drained. 

'Drained'  ~when you feel like the life has been sucked out of you through your big toe, nothing left yet everyone else got what they needed. 'No can do' nor do I want to do this.

Choose Your Purpose  

Did you know that in just 17 days you too can make inroads to change your life? if you're serious about making up for lost time and so ready to get a wriggle on, complete the enquiry form to arrange a time to connect with me to learn more.

And if you're loving the post I'd be grateful if you would share with your friends, or spread the good stuff via Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Till next week :)